New Year, New You | JR Prosperity Partners


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New Year, New You?

I bet your social media and social circle have been flooding you with “ New Year, New Me” posts, but the reality is, less than 8% will actually see their resolutions through. 

Yet millions of Australians will set goals for this year in the hopes of achieving them. 

But why do so many fail? 

The simple answer is that their goals just aren’t that important to them. 

Harsh I know but hear me out.  

If you want to achieve something like lose weight, nab that dream job, find the love of your life or become debt-free, you’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

You won’t wait for a specific date, you’ll just do it. 

So let me share a little hack that will guarantee you smash any goal you set! 

On a piece of paper, look at your goals and start writing down the traits or attributes the person who has achieved these goals will have. 

Maybe they wake up early, live frugally, eat healthy food, go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. Maybe they have a better higher paying job, or they’re single. Start jotting down as many as you can. 

Then look at where you’re at right now, what traits do you share with this successful person?  

What traits do you need to acquire and how do you plan to acquire them? 

And over time, as you embody these traits, your goals will no longer be an uphill battle but an inevitable consequence of your actions. 

I guarantee, you do this, you’ll always achieve your goals! 

Click on the image below to check out this Financial Freedom Friday episode from last year, where Jack explains exactly how to achieve your goals using this method.